FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Custom Software

Developing Custom Software


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Castelle's FaxPress Drop Directory, the Castelle Software Development Kit (SDK) and the associated Castelle Programming Interface (CPI) software are designed to allow developers easy deployment of production faxing in almost any environment. These features enable automated inbound and outbound faxing from many operating systems (MainFrame, AS400, UNIX based, etc), back end accounting packages, and ERP packages. The SDK Programmer’s Manual is available in the Administration Tools’ Documents folder if you chose to copy that folder to your hard drive during setup, and in the Documents folder on the Castelle FaxPress CD. See Documents for more information.

The DropFax utility software is designed to offer developers convenient deployment of inbound production faxing based on user specified inbound fax folders. This allows third-party applications to retrieve inbound faxes in TIF format from any file folder they prefer. For information on implementing the DropFax utility, see FaxPress Drop Directory.

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Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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